Monday, January 26, 2009

Genesis: Restaurant Night

Restaurant Night started at the Happy Greek in the Short North in Columbus, Ohio. 'Elaine' and I decided to go for Greek food after having discussed my lack of a working knowledge of many area restaurants. I had a girlfriend who never wanted to go out to eat, so I had been missing much of what the current culinary scene of Columbus had to offer. So, as we ate that afternoon, we sort of conceived the idea of Restaurant Night. It actually was a bit more complex than that, but that is all you need to know. Besides, any more background information and you'll be bored and wonder why the hell I am even explaining it.
I then suggested we should include 'George' who is a friend of mine that I know through work. He is a great guy who loves to eat, so I figured, why not. As the concept of Restaurant Night grows, we'll probably add guests to the mix. We will likely change their names to protect their innocence, but who knows. Hey, who cares? We're fun and ridiculing our friends on an Internet blog is a small price for them to pay for the opportunity to hangout with us. Seriously, we'll change their names...maybe.
Anyway, 'Elaine' came up with a list of places we should go to based on criteria that she deemed appropriate. Mostly, she based it upon a certain "uniqueness" of what the particular place might have to offer. I assume she tried to add the diversity of what "type" of restaurant (i.e., Italian, steak place, seafood joint, etc.) it was as well. The initial list (which we'll change or add to as we see fit) is the one that we (obviously) are working on at present. It contains ten restaurants, of which The Happy Greek is not one, but we will reserve it as the place where it all started. By the way, the food is great!
The reviews that will follow will be serious. We'll post them after we go, which may be once a week, every other week, or just whenever we feel like it. If you want to read about the places we choose and get our feedback, that is great. (By the way, 'Elaine' is a vegetarian and 'George' and I will eat anything. The more red meat, the better!) We'll tell you what we thought and you can take your chances from there. We will, however, make this blog "fun" by adding the details of our shenanigans to the mix. So, feel free to laugh, cry, or curse us for the thoughts we will be sharing with you. And if you own a restaurant, beware. We just might visit your establishment one day.


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